The Apparel

The Fabric
GOEX sources and produces all of their cotton from within the United States for several reasons.
1. Forced labour is often used in producing cotton overseas, and can be very difficult to ensure safe working conditions for farmers. Sourcing cotton from within the USA ensures labour laws are enforced and workers are safe.
2. Getting cotton from the field to a finished garment is a multi step process. Since cotton is a commodity good, the only way to reduce costs is to cut expenses throughout each step, which often means makers pay the price, especially in developing nations.

The Makers
GOEX's first priority is their workers -they are why GOEX exists. It is their top priority to ensure their workers in both Haiti and the USA are safe, fairly compensated for their hard work, participating in the company decision making process, and of legal age to work. They provide 75 full time jobs in their Haiti factory, with benefits, vacation pay and the ability to provide for 7-8 family mebers with their pay of 2x minimum wage. GOEX regularly and voluntarily participates in third party audits of their company and working conditions.

The Environment
GOEX is committed to protecting the environment and using upcycled materials wherever possible. Their triblend tees are made from the equivalent of five water bottles worth of recycled plastic, their eco-cotton tees are made using 50% upcyced cotton, their polyester is 100% recycled, and even their zippers are made from recycled plastic!
Did you know -the average t-shirt travels over 16,000 miles in it's production lifetime! Most of this shipping is done using toxic chemicals and bunker fuel, causing a taxing toll on the environment. GOEX's apparel in comparison travels only 500 miles from the USA to Haiti. This is turn is much more environmentally friendly!

The Process
Our apparel's journey begins with cotton being grown in the USA. It is then processed into fiber, spun into yarn and knitted into fabric, it is shipped to Life S.A., our production facility in Port au Prince, Haiti, to be hand-sewn into your shirts. Once the talented artisans in Haiti have transformed the fabric into finished apparel, it is ready to be shipped out!
Unlike most apparel, there are only a few steps in the supply chain with GOEX. This allows them to ensure transparency, quality, and the well being of every person that touches a GOEX product.